Karachi, In a recent announcement, Caretaker Sindh Chief Minister Justice (Retd) Maqbool Baqar expressed concern over the Caretaker federal government’s creation of a performance evaluation chart for federal officers stationed in the provinces, stating that it oversteps its authority and contradicts the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s guidelines.
According to Chief Minister Sindh, the interim federal government has introduced a 10-point ‘broad parameters’ framework for assessing the performance of Federal Government Officers posted in provinces, which was approved by the interim Prime Minister. This initiative directs Chief Secretaries to implement the performance evaluation chart, but Justice Baqar argues that it falls outside the federal government’s jurisdiction and fails to align with the constitutional and Supreme Court mandates.
Justice Baqar highlighted that the evaluation parameters improperly encroach upon provincial subjects, such as law and order, and were formulated without adequate consultation with provincial governments. He further criticized the process for its rushed approval and lack of consideration, noting that the parameters do not account for inputs from the provincial Chief Executives, thereby undermining fair assessment of officer performance.
The Chief Minister also pointed out that the performance evaluation chart contravenes the Civil Service of Pakistan (Composition and Cadre) Rules of 1954. He announced that the Government of Sindh plans to submit a detailed response following the induction of an elected government.
Details of the initiating chart shared by the Chief Minister include exemptions from countersignature for officers directly reporting to the Chief Secretary, specific procedures for initiating and countersigning Performance Evaluation Reports (PERs), and the designation of the Prime Minister and Chief Minister as expunging authorities in specific cases.
Justice Baqar’s statement reflects significant concerns about the federal government’s intervention in provincial affairs and highlights the need for adherence to constitutional boundaries and judicial guidelines. The Government of Sindh awaits the establishment of an elected government to address these issues formally.