Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi visited Khema Sadat, Lyton Road and Taxili Gate, inspected the security arrangements and routes of Muharram processions and assemblies

Lahore, July 27, 2023 (PPI-OT): The caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab, Mohsin Naqvi, today visited Khema Sadat, Liton Road and Taxili Gate and reviewed the security arrangements for the gatherings and processions in connection with Muharram. Shake hands with the police officials and volunteers. Mohsen Naqvi directed the officials and volunteers to be vigilant and perform their duties. He said that excellent and fool-proof arrangements have been made for the establishment of public peace during Muharram. Geo-tagging of processions and assemblies has been done. All processions and assemblies are being monitored by CCTV cameras. He spoke. That the monitoring of processions and assemblies from the control room is going on all the time.

Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi while talking to the media at Taxili Gate after the visits said that they are doing their best to ensure peace and order during Muharram. Mobile service will be stopped where necessary. All relevant authorities including Chief Secretary and IG are monitoring the security situation. Muharram processions and meetings will be as per routine, there will be no change. The issue is being resolved. The District Governments have been empowered to resolve the issues at their level. Security arrangements for Muharram are complete, all institutions are alert. Foolproof arrangements have been made for this.

Provincial ministers, administrative officers and police officials are in the field and will be in the field for the next four days. Police Dr Usman Anwar, CCPO Lahore Bilal Siddique Kamiana, Additional Chief Secretary Interior Shakeel Ahmed, Commissioner Lahore Division Muhammad Ali Randhawa and Deputy Commissioner were also present on this occasion.

For more information, contact:

Office of the Chief Minister of Punjab

Government of the Punjab

8-Club Road, GOR-I, Lahore, Pakistan

Tel: +92-42-99205562-3

Fax: +92-42-99205561


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