New Delhi, In a recent display of aggression against Muslims, an incident in New Delhi, the capital city of India, has drawn widespread condemnation. During Friday prayers, Indian police officers engaged in a brutal crackdown on Muslims who had congregated for worship on the roadside.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the disturbing event unfolded in the InderLok area of New Delhi, where two head constables of the Delhi Police were recorded on video assaulting Muslims with kicks and slaps, disrupting their peaceful prayers on the roadside.
The video, which has since circulated widely on social media platforms, depicts the police officers forcibly interrupting the prayers, using physical force against the individuals engaged in worship. The visuals show the policemen berating and physically abusing the Muslims, compelling them to cease their prayers and vacate the area immediately.
This incident has elicited a strong response from the Muslim community, who have voiced profound distress over the police personnel’s actions. The public outcry intensified following the video’s spread on social media, leading to the swift suspension of the police post’s in-charge responsible for the area.