Bradford Seminar Champions Kashmiri Self-Determination, Denounces Human Rights Abuses

London: A seminar in Bradford, UK, has brought together international speakers to advocate for the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination and to call for an end to human rights violations in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir. The event aimed to intensify efforts within the UK to influence governmental and public opinion on the ongoing conflict.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the seminar was organized by the Jammu and Kashmir Self-Determination Movement International. Keynote speakers included Judith Cummins, Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, Barrister Imran Hussain, Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Kashmir, MP Kate Dierdone, and Pakistani Consul General Zahid Hamid Jatoi, among others. The speakers collectively stressed the necessity of addressing the Kashmir issue vigorously with both the British government and Parliament, expressing optimism that the new Labour government would support the Kashmiri cause.

Participants highlighted the active role of the Kashmiri diaspora in the UK, who have been pivotal in bringing the region’s issues to the attention of British political parties, MPs, and human rights organizations. The speakers reiterated their commitment to continue these efforts until the Kashmiris achieve self-determination.

The event also served as a platform to condemn the severe conditions faced by the residents of Indian-administered Kashmir, described by speakers as akin to the world’s largest prison, where alleged genocidal acts and war crimes are being committed by over one million Indian troops. The seminar concluded with a call to action for British MPs to pressure India to engage in meaningful dialogue to resolve the Kashmir dispute.