Bengaluru, Former Karnataka minister and senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader KS Eshwarappa has issued a contentious warning to Muslims, urging them to vacate mosques allegedly built on demolished temple lands, or face serious consequences. This statement has sparked concerns over increasing communal tensions in the region.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Eshwarappa, during a Hindu workers’ convention in Belagavi, stated that mosques built on temple sites should be voluntarily vacated by Muslims to avoid potential repercussions. He mentioned that court verdicts are pending on two more places, including Mathura, and assured the construction of temples following these decisions.
Eshwarappa’s remarks are not new; he has previously made headlines for similar statements. In December of the previous year, he declared that no mosque built on a temple site would be spared, expressing his belief that India will become a Hindu nation. He further commented on the ongoing legal processes regarding the Kashi Vishwanath temple and the Krishna temple in Mathura, suggesting a series of events favouring Hindu claims.
These statements come amid a broader context of Hindutva extremists targeting mosques in India, alleging that these mosques were built on temple sites. Eshwarappa’s comments add to the growing narrative of religious polarization in India and raise concerns about the implications for communal harmony in the country.