Ranchi, August 31, 2022 (PPI-OT):The police in Indian state of Jharkhand have arrested Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, Seema Patra, for torturing her 29-year-old tribal help, Sunita. Acting on a tip-off from a government employee, the Ranchi police had rescued the woman from Patra’s residence last week and recorded the domestic help’s statement on Tuesday before a magistrate, media reports said. The BJP leader had made Sunita to clean toilet with her tongue.
Patra, wife of a retired Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer, had kept the woman captive in her residence in Ranchi’s posh Ashok Nagar area for several years. Sunita had multiple wounds throughout her body. She has alleged that Seema Patra used to burn her with hot objects.
Patra was suspended by the BJP after a video of the woman, Sunita, narrating her ordeal, went viral on social media with demands for Patra’s arrest. Members of various tribal outfits visited Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) where the woman is undergoing treatment and met her on Tuesday.
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