BJP Government Accused of Spreading False Normalcy Narrative in IIOJK

Srinagar, Political analysts in Srinagar are accusing the Hindutva Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led Indian government of propagating a misleading narrative of normalcy in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

According to Kashmir Media Service, during discussions with media representatives, the analysts highlighted a series of actions by Indian forces and authorities that contradict the government’s claims of peace and normalcy in the region. These actions include continued cordon and search operations, house raids, frisking on roads, detentions under draconian laws, property confiscations, and the suspension or termination of government employees. Such measures, they argue, have transformed IIOJK into an open prison and military zone, dispelling any notion of normalcy.

The BJP’s government efforts to project a peaceful image of IIOJK were criticized as an attempt to deny the reality of the situation on the ground. Analysts stressed that the suppression of rights, including the right to live and express oneself freely, has been severe under the current regime. They called on the international community to press India to allow United Nations observers and global rights bodies to assess the situation firsthand and to support the Kashmiri people’s right to determine their own future.

The resolution of the Kashmir dispute was presented as essential for peace and stability in South Asia, with analysts warning that without it, the region could not hope for tranquility. The immediate release of all political prisoners, including prominent Hurriyat leaders, youths, and activists detained in jails across India and IIOJK, was demanded as a critical step toward justice and peace.

The commitment to a plebiscite, as promised by India in the United Nations in 1947-48, remains a pivotal issue for Kashmiris. The analysts described the ongoing repression in Kashmir as a systematic “reign of terror,” with all the hallmarks of severe political repression visible. They emphasized the unique responsibility of the United Nations in facilitating peace in Kashmir based on the right to self-determination as pledged by India.

An appeal was made to the UN Secretary-General to urge the Indian government to unconditionally release all political prisoners, including notable figures such as Masarat Alam Butt, Mohammad Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Aasiya Andrabi, and others, to demonstrate a genuine commitment to peace and human rights in the region.