Baramulla District Residents Decry Poor Cellular Connectivity

Srinagar, The populace of Baramulla district in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir is grappling with significant challenges due to persistent poor cellular network connectivity. This issue has become particularly aggravating for the residents, affecting various aspects of daily life, from education to healthcare and employment, especially during adverse weather conditions like rain and snow.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the residents, especially those in Gantmulla Bala village, face severe network disruptions that hinder not only routine communications but also critical services such as online education, remote medical consultations, and telecommuting. The situation exacerbates the difficulties in accessing essential information and services, leaving the community feeling isolated and neglected.

Despite repeated complaints to the relevant authorities, the grievances of the Baramulla district residents seem to go unheeded, with little to no improvement in the cellular services. This lack of reliable communication infrastructure is part of a larger issue within Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, where internet and network shutdowns have become a common recourse for the Indian government, often justified on security grounds.

These frequent shutdowns have been widely criticized by international human rights organizations and local civil society groups, highlighting the negative impact on the fundamental rights of the residents, including access to information, education, healthcare, and freedom of expression.