Balochistan Women’s Development Department to Enhance Business Skills through Incubation Centers

Quetta: In a recent visit to the Industries Department, Dr. Rababa Khan Bilidi, Adviser to the Chief Minister of Balochistan for Women Development Department, announced readiness to leverage the department’s incubation centers to advance business skills among those trained by the Industries Department. The initiative aims to foster economic independence and provide decent employment opportunities for women in the region.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, during his tour, Dr. Bilidi was briefed comprehensively by Anees Gorgage, Director General of Industries, about the department’s operations. The visit included inspections of the working warehouses and display centers that fall under the jurisdiction of the Industries Department. Dr. Bilidi emphasized the importance of inter-departmental cooperation to strengthen women’s economic independence in Balochistan by pooling resources and expertise.

He highlighted the strategy of identifying potential markets and utilizing e-commerce platforms, which would facilitate decent employment opportunities for women. Dr. Bilidi further noted that the Women’s Development Department is actively collaborating on various projects aimed at making the women of Balochistan economically stable and independent.