Balochistan Medical Students to Benefit from Double Batch Admissions, Thanks to Advisor’s Advocacy

Quetta: In a significant development for medical education in Balochistan, medical students from the region have been granted special permission for double batch admissions, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Rababa Khan Bilidi, Advisor for the Women Development Department to the Chief Minister of Balochistan.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, Dr. Bilidi’s recent meeting with officials from the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) led to a pivotal change in admission policies. The PMDC agreed to implement Dr. Bilidi’s recommendations, reversing a previous decision that delayed admissions for Balochistan’s medical students compared to their counterparts in other parts of the country. Starting from the next academic year, these students will be able to enroll simultaneously with peers nationwide, eliminating a previously mandatory gap year.

This adjustment not only synchronizes the admission process for Balochistan’s students with the rest of Pakistan but also aims to enhance the overall quality of medical education within the province. The decision has been met with appreciation from both students and parents in Balochistan, who are optimistic about the positive impact of Dr. Bilidi’s advocacy on their educational and professional futures.