Balochistan Interior Minister Demands Report on Recent Crimes Amid Safe City Investments

Quetta: In response to recent surges in terrorism and other criminal activities in Balochistan, Interior Minister Mirziaullah Longo has called for a comprehensive report from senior law enforcement officials. This action highlights the government’s heightened scrutiny of security measures and criminal activity in the region.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Government of Balochistan, Minister Longo has directed the Additional Secretary Interior and the IG Police Balochistan to assemble a detailed account of all terrorist acts, murders, and major crimes occurring between August 10 and August 15. This inquiry coincides with the provincial government’s significant financial commitment to the Safe City project, aimed at enhancing local security infrastructure. The minister’s request specifically seeks data on the effectiveness of this investment, including the number and details of criminals apprehended with the support of Safe City resources.