Balochistan Governor Meets with Traders to Address Urban Challenges in Quetta

Quetta, A delegation of local business leaders from the Anjuman Tajran Balochistan, led by its President Rahim Agha, met with Governor Sheikh Jafar Khan Mandukhel to discuss ongoing challenges faced by traders and entrepreneurs in Quetta.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the delegation articulated concerns over escalating market rents, increasing thefts and robberies exacerbated by inadequate street lighting, and insufficient cleanliness within the city. These issues are affecting the day-to-day operations and safety of businesses in Quetta, particularly in various busy markets.

Governor Mandukhel attentively listened to the grievances presented and reassured the delegation of his commitment to providing necessary support to address these urban challenges. The meeting underscores the provincial government’s effort to engage with local business communities to foster a more secure and business-friendly environment in Balochistan’s capital.