Quetta, Following a deadly incident at the Sanjadi coal mines, the Balochistan government announced that charges are being brought against three individuals, including the mine owner, for negligence. This decision underscores a heightened effort to enforce safety regulations within the mining sector.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, spokesperson Shahid Rind stated that the provincial government had ordered the registration of a First Information Report (FIR) against the accused at the relevant police station. Provincial Minister for Mines and Minerals, Mir Shoaib Noshirwani, highlighted that the mine owners had been repeatedly warned to adhere to safety measures, including the monitoring of gas levels, but these warnings were disregarded.
This action reflects the government’s commitment to addressing the recurring issue of safety violations in the mining industry and ensuring that such negligence leading to fatal accidents is met with strict legal consequences.