Quetta: In a significant development aimed at addressing the concerns of the Hindu community, the Chief Minister of Balochistan, Mir Sarfaraz Bugti, met with a delegation from the Hindu Panchayat led by former provincial minister Basant Lal Gulshan. During the meeting, the Chief Minister announced a series of initiatives including the renovation of the Arya Samaj Temple, the provision of a High S Ambulance, and educational scholarships for minorities.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the meeting was an opportunity for the Hindu Panchayat to voice the challenges faced by their community. In response, Chief Minister Bugti detailed several measures his administration will take to ensure the welfare of minorities in the region. These include the renovation and construction of the Arya Samaj Temple, a crucial place of worship for Hindus in Balochistan, and the provision of a modern ambulance service to meet the community’s urgent health needs.
Furthermore, Mir Sarfaraz Bugti emphasized the educational opportunities that will be made available under the Benazir Bhutto Scholarship in Balochistan. This initiative aims to support minority students in pursuing higher education in the country’s top institutions. He urged minority leaders to raise awareness within their communities about these opportunities.
The assurances from the Chief Minister come as a response to the ongoing requests for enhanced support and recognition of the Hindu community’s contributions to the region. The government’s commitment to renovating religious sites and improving healthcare and educational facilities for minorities is seen as a step toward fostering a more inclusive society in Balochistan.