Balochistan Addresses High Maternal Mortality with New Legislation

Quetta, Dr. Rababa Khan Bilidi, Advisor to the Chief Minister of Balochistan for the Women Development Department, highlighted the alarmingly high maternal and child mortality rates in the province and announced impending legislation aimed at reducing these figures. The proposed Balochistan Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response Bill 2024 is part of a broader effort to tackle this critical issue.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, Dr. Bilidi addressed the issue during discussions with a delegation from the World Health Organization led by Dr. Isfandiar Shirani. She pointed out that the maternal mortality ratio in Balochistan stands at 298 deaths per 100,000 live births, a rate significantly higher than in other parts of Pakistan, largely due to poor infrastructure and prevalent in remote areas.

The new bill, which is currently under consultation with various stakeholders, aims to establish effective measures for preventing maternal deaths across the province. Dr. Bilidi also acknowledged the ongoing support of the World Health Organization in enhancing healthcare services in Balochistan’s remote regions.