Awareness raising and sensitization workshop for Islamabad police on laws related to Child Domestic Workers, Child Abuse and Transgender Persons

Islamabad, June 30, 2021 (PPI-OT):Ministry of Human Rights held an awareness-raising and sensitization workshop on laws related to ‘Child Domestic Workers’, ‘Child Abuse’ and ‘Transgender Persons’ for Islamabad Police .In this session, 36 Police representatives (men and women) from different offices of Islamabad Police participated. Addressing the occasion, the Joint Secretary, Ministry of Human Rights, Dr. Akhtar Abbas said: “Ministry of Human Rights has taken several legislative and institutional measures to ensure the protection of Human Rights in the country. Last year, Zainab Alert Response and Recovery Act 2020 was passed by the parliament and through an amendment child domestic labour was categorized as a “hazardous occupation” under Schedule 1 of the Employment of Children Act 1991.” He reiterated Ministry’s commitment to preventing Human Rights violations in the country.


“Earlier in June, Shaheed Aitzaz Hasan Child Protection Institute was inaugurated in Islamabad to protect vulnerable and at-risk children from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury, neglect, maltreatment, exploitation and abuse under the ICT Child Protection Act 2018”, he said. As Police is one of the most significant institutions that work for the protection of the people of Pakistan, therefore, it is necessary to engage them in awareness-raising and sensitization programmes where they are informed about the legislation protecting Human Rights.


The workshop was focused on three main legislations i.e. Zainab Alert Response and Recovery Act 2020, the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2018, and the Employment of Children Act 1991. The participants were also informed about the Ministry’s Redressal Mechanism that is in place to provide legal advice and support to the survivors of Human Rights violations e.g. Family Protection and Rehabilitation Centre in Islamabad that provides shelter to vulnerable women and children, Child Protection Institute, MoHR’s Toll-Free Helpline #1099 and the soon to be inaugurated Transgender Protection Centre under the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2018.


While addressing the occasion, the Director-General – IC, Ministry of Human Rights, Mr. Muhammad Hassan Mangi said: “It is intolerable that in the year 2021, Children and Transgender persons still have to live in an unsafe and exploitative environment and frequently face abuse.” He further added, Ministry of Human Right’s commitment to ensure the protection of Human Rights especially the rights of Children, Women and Transgender Persons – in line with Pakistan’s constitutional and international obligations. “Apart from introducing landmark legislation, Ministry of Human Rights is also playing its role in capacity building and awareness-raising of relevant stakeholders with respect to these laws so that Human Rights violations can be prevented”, he said.


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