As per direction of IG Punjab Rao Sardar Ali Khan, Punjab Police takes action against kite flying and one wheeling 

Lahore, May 24, 2022 (PPI-OT):Punjab Inspector General of Police Rao Sardar Ali Khan has issued orders to make the ongoing crackdown against kite flying and one wheeling across the province more effective. IG Punjab has said that strict action should be taken against kite flying and one wheeling on weekends especially at night and law breakers should be brought to book.

Rao Sardar Ali Khan assigned Lahore police the task of cracking down on violators. He said that special attention should be paid to kite flying and one wheeling in Gujranwala, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Multan and other major cities.

IG Punjab said that those involved in dangerous activities like kite flying and one wheeling do not deserve any sympathy as they endanger their lives as well as other innocent citizens. He said that parents should also keep an eye on the activities of their children and not allow them to be a part of illegal activities. IG Punjab requested citizens to contact at 15 in case of information of kite flying and one wheeling so that no one could escape legal actions.

Spokesperson Punjab Police said that operations of Punjab Police against kite flying and one wheeling are underway in the province and this year 8378 cases have been registered against kite flying and one wheeling and 8872 persons have been arrested.

While 700509 kites and 18077 pulleys have been recovered. Spokesperson Punjab Police said that 7538 cases were registered against kite-flyers across the province, 7952 persons were arrested and 840 cases against one-wheelers were registered across the province and 920 persons were arrested.

Spokesperson Punjab Police said that 2082 cases of kite flying were registered in Lahore and 2146 persons were arrested and 22140 kites and 2876 pulleys were recovered in Lahore. Spokesperson Punjab Police said that Punjab police will continue crackdown against manufacture and sale of metallic strings and kites whereas the youth involved in one wheeling will also not get any leniency.

For more information, contact:
Punjab Police
Punjab Police Computer Bureau,
5th Floor, Central Police Office (CPO),
Punjab, Lahore
Tel: +92-42-99213019, +92-42-99213013
Fax: +92-42-99213012

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