Arbaeen Observances Draw Thousands in Jammu and Kashmir

Srinagar: On Monday, thousands of devotees across Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir participated in majalis and processions to observe Arbaeen, the culmination of a 40-day mourning period honoring the martyrs of Karbala, including Imam Hussain, a key figure in Islamic history. This day marks a significant religious observance within the Shia Muslim community, reflecting on the historic battle of Karbala.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Arbaeen is recognized for its commemoration of the sacrifices made by Imam Hussain and his family, who resisted the corrupt rule of the Umayyad caliph, Yazid, ultimately facing martyrdom for their steadfastness. The largest of these gatherings occurred on the outskirts of Srinagar in Bemina, where a substantial number of mourners assembled to honor the legacy of these figures.

The observance extended beyond local commemorations as hundreds from the region joined millions of pilgrims globally in the Arbaeen pilgrimage, a journey that holds profound spiritual significance. Many Kashmiri pilgrims participated in the traditional walk from Najaf to Karbala, embodying their devotion and resilience.

Highlighting the community’s spirit, siblings Kumail Hussain Joo and his sister contributed to the pilgrimage by setting up a traditional Kashmiri tea station along the route, serving Nun-Chai and Kehwa to fellow pilgrims, a gesture that was received with gratitude and warmth.

This year’s participation indicates a growing engagement of Kashmiri Shias with the rituals associated with Arbaeen, showcasing a deep-seated spiritual connection with the events of Karbala and a collective expression of faith and historical consciousness.