APHC urges UN chief to take notice of children’s plight in IIOJK

Srinagar, As the World Children’s Day is being observed all over the world, today, the children in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir continue to remain the biggest victims of Indian atrocities, said jailed Hurriyat leaders.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the illegally detained Hurriyat leaders in their massages on the day drew the attention of the international community including the UN chief and human rights organizations to the plight of tens of thousands of children in the internationally recognized dispute territory.

The leaders appealed to the world community and international human rights organizations to realize the pain and sufferings of the Kashmiri children and put pressure on the Modi-led Indian government to ensure the protection of the rights of Kashmiri children in the territory.

The APHC leaders said suppression and repression of any magnitude cannot deter the freedom-loving people of Kashmir from carrying on their just struggle for securing their inalienable right to self-determination..

India has besieged over 10 million people by deploying more than one million forces, enjoying unbridled powers under draconian laws. The leaders denounced the use of brute force to prevent the people from offering Juma prayers at Jamia Masjid, Srinagar.

Meanwhile, other APHC leaders including Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori, Abdul Ahad, Yasmeen Raja, Fahreeda Behanji, Zamrooda Habib,Muhammad Yousuf Naqash denounced the systematic and orchestrated killings of Kashmiris in the territory. He said India, as part of a calculated conspiracy, is engaged in mass killings of innocent Kashmiris, which is a genocide.

On the other hand, the APHC AJK convenor Mehmood Ahmed Saghar and others including Syed Faiz Naqashbandi, Shaikh Yaqoob, Imtiyaz Wani, Aijaz Rehmani, Mushtaq Ahmed in their statements in Islamabad urged the world community to play its role in settling the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolutions and Kashmiris’ aspirations. They said that Indian troops under black laws were killing and arresting innocent Kashmiris in the territory under a well-hatched conspiracy to change the demography of the occupied territory.