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APHC Leader Urges UN to Resolve Kashmir and Palestine for Global Peace -

APHC Leader Urges UN to Resolve Kashmir and Palestine for Global Peace

Birmingham, Addressing a gathering in Birmingham, UK, Syed Yusuf Naseem, a senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference AJK chapter, underscored the resolution of the Kashmir and Palestine conflicts as essential for global peace and stability.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Naseem criticized the United Nations for its lack of action, warning that failure to resolve these long-standing disputes could render the organization as ineffective as the League of Nations. He detailed the continuous suffering of the people in Kashmir and Palestine due to policies he described as terrorist acts by India and Israel, respectively.

Naseem called for the immediate repeal of oppressive laws in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the release of detained political workers, and the initiation of tripartite talks to find a permanent solution. His speech resonated with hundreds of attendees, including Kashmiris and Pakistanis residing in the UK, who reaffirmed their support for the Kashmir cause.

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