APHC Leader Sheikh Aziz Remembered for His Sacrifices in Kashmir Cause

Islamabad: Senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference and Chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League, Sheikh Abdul Aziz, was commemorated today on his 16th martyrdom anniversary. Aziz, recognized for his steadfast commitment to the Kashmiri plebiscite and resistance against Indian control, spent a significant portion of his life imprisoned for his activism.

According to Kashmir Media Service, a report released on the anniversary of Sheikh Aziz’s death highlighted his lifelong dedication to the Kashmiri freedom cause. Aziz, who died in 2008 while protesting an economic blockade imposed by Hindutva forces in Jammu, is celebrated as a symbol of resistance and inspiration to the Kashmiri people. The report praises his unyielding advocacy for Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan and his role in leading significant protests against oppressive measures.

Sheikh Aziz’s ultimate sacrifice occurred during a large march to Azad Jammu and Kashmir in response to a severe blockade that threatened the survival of the Kashmiri population. The report underlines the enduring respect and admiration the Kashmiri people hold for Aziz and others who have laid down their lives in the struggle against Indian domination, vowing to continue his mission until Kashmir achieves freedom.