APHC Highlights Regional Consequences of Delayed Kashmir Resolution

Srinagar, The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has issued a strong statement highlighting the critical nature of addressing the Kashmir issue through its historical context, warning of significant regional implications if the conflict remains unresolved. The organization criticized India’s current policies towards occupied Jammu and Kashmir, particularly the approach taken by the Indian government and its ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), accusing them of attempting to enforce a resolution through force.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the APHC spokesperson, in a statement released in Srinagar, expressed concern over India’s stance on the Kashmir conflict, emphasizing the need for a resolution that acknowledges the historical complexities of the issue. The statement underscored the detrimental effect of India’s alleged arrogance and denial on the broader South Asian region, cautioning against the long-term regional consequences of neglecting the dispute.

In related developments, APHC-AJK leader Altaf Hussain Wani, in Islamabad, called for an independent and international investigation into incidents of mass rape attributed to Indian troops in the occupied territory, framing such acts as a tactic of war intended to quell the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination. Additionally, Pasban-e-Hurriyat Chairman Uzair Ahmad Ghazali, from Muzaffarabad, accused India of committing severe human rights violations in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Ghazali highlighted the anticipated exacerbation of these issues following a visit from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, suggesting that such high-profile engagements could further aggravate the plight of the Kashmiri people.

These statements from various Kashmiri leaders and organizations reflect a growing urgency for the international community to address the Kashmir dispute, emphasizing the need for a resolution that considers the historical grievances and aspirations of the Kashmiri people to avoid further regional destabilization.