APHC Commemorates 1965 War Heroes on Pakistan’s Defense Day, Urges Resolution of Kashmir Issue

Srinagar: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) marked Pakistan’s Defense Day by honoring the heroes of the 1965 war with India, emphasizing their sacrifices in defending Pakistan against enemy forces. The APHC reiterated the importance of resolving the Kashmir dispute for regional peace and highlighted Pakistan’s role in supporting the Kashmiri self-determination movement.

According to Kashmir Media Service, APHC spokesman Advocate Abdul Rashid Minhas expressed that September 6, known as Pakistan’s Defense Day, symbolizes the bravery and heroism displayed during the 1965 conflict. “The Pakistani nation stood united against the enemy’s onslaught under the cover of darkness. A strong and prosperous Pakistan is crucial not only for regional peace but also for the success of Kashmir’s legitimate freedom struggle,” Minhas stated.

He further pointed out that the Kashmir issue remains a significant obstacle to peace in the region. Minhas emphasized that peace will continue to be elusive unless the Kashmir dispute is resolved in accordance with United Nations resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Various Hurriyet leaders and parties, including prominent figures and groups like Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori, Ghulam Nabi War, and the Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League, issued statements condemning Indian policies in the region. They accused India of hegemonic and expansionist behaviors, posing a threat to both regional and global peace. The leaders collectively praised Pakistan for its steadfast support of the Kashmiri cause on international and regional platforms.

In Islamabad, APHC-AJK leaders, including Convener Ghulam Muhammad Safi and General Secretary Parvez Ahmad Shah, echoed these sentiments. They expressed gratitude towards Pakistan for its unwavering support and called for intensified diplomatic efforts to resolve the Kashmir issue. They criticized India’s heavy military presence in Kashmir and its attempts to suppress the Kashmiri freedom movement, which they claimed had failed to subdue the unarmed population.

The APHC-AJK leadership also advocated for meaningful dialogue as a path to resolving disputes and achieving peace in South Asia. They urged the United Nations to take active steps in facilitating a resolution based on its resolutions, thereby restoring its credibility and effectiveness in the region.