APHC Claims India Has Held Kashmiris Hostage for Over Seven Decades

Srinagar, The All Parties Hurriyet Conference (APHC) in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) has issued a stark condemnation of India’s treatment of Kashmiri people, stating that for more than seventy years, Kashmiris have been held hostage and denied basic rights and freedoms. This assertion highlights ongoing tensions and the struggle for self-determination in the region.

According to Kashmir Media Service, prominent APHC leaders, including Bashir Andrabi, Muhammad Yosuf Naqash, Farooq Ahmed, Ghulam Nabi War, Attaullah, Javed Ahmed, and Imtiyaz Ahmed Shaikh, in separate statements issued in Srinagar, criticized the Indian government’s tactics in IIOJK. They accused the Narendra Modi-led regime of intensifying its oppressive measures following the revocation of the territory’s special status in August 2019, aiming to quash the Kashmiris’ rightful struggle for self-determination.

The leaders detailed a pattern of increased brutalities in IIOJK, including daily killings, detentions, and torture, as part of New Delhi’s iron-fist policy to suppress the Kashmiri populace. They argue that India’s militaristic approach in the region has been a significant barrier to the peaceful resolution of the long-standing Kashmir dispute.

Furthermore, the APHC leaders called upon the international community to intervene and resolve the Kashmir issue in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolutions. They emphasized that a settlement aligned with these resolutions is crucial not only to halt Indian atrocities in IIOJK but also to foster amicable relations between Pakistan and India, thereby contributing to lasting peace and stability in South Asia.

This latest statement from the APHC underscores the deep-rooted and complex nature of the Kashmir dispute, highlighting the urgent need for international attention and a concerted effort towards a peaceful resolution.