APHC-AJK Seminar Honors 1965 War Martyrs in Islamabad

Islamabad: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter held a seminar today in Islamabad to honor the martyrs of the 1965 Pakistan-India war. The event featured speeches that highlighted the bravery and sacrifices of those who fought in the conflict.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the seminar was attended by notable figures including Lt Gen (Retd) Raza Muhammad Khan as the chief guest, along with leadership from the Hurriyat and representatives from various ideological groups. Speakers commemorated the valor of the 1965 war martyrs, emphasizing their role in thwarting the adversary’s ambitions and protecting their homeland. The seminar coincided with Pakistan Defense Day, observed on September 6, marking the day when Indian forces launched a surprise attack in 1965, which was repelled by Pakistan’s military and its citizens.

Further remarks at the seminar stressed that a resilient and flourishing Pakistan is essential for regional peace and supports the Kashmiri struggle for freedom. APHC-AJK Convener Ghulam Mohammad Safi stated the Hurriyat Conference’s position against any dialogue on Kashmir that excludes the Kashmiri people. The event concluded with prayers for the martyrs of the war and for Pakistan’s ongoing prosperity and stability.