APHC-AJK Pays Tribute to Ashraf Sehrai on Martyrdom Anniversary

Islamabad, The All Parties Hurriyat Conference – Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter commemorated Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai on the occasion of his third martyrdom anniversary, affirming his enduring legacy as a symbol of resistance against Indian oppression in Kashmir.

According to Kashmir Media Service, leaders of the APHC-AJK chapter, based in Islamabad, hailed Sehrai as a stalwart of the freedom struggle and a staunch advocate for Kashmiris’ right to self-determination. They emphasized that Sehrai’s unwavering commitment to the cause had cemented his place in the hearts of Kashmiris, underscoring his sacrifices for their quest for freedom.

The leaders condemned Sehrai’s demise as a custodial murder, alleging that he was denied proper medical attention while in custody, leading to his martyrdom. They accused India of orchestrating a systematic campaign to eliminate leaders of the freedom movement in Kashmir, aiming to stifle the region’s leadership.

Mehmood Ahmed Saghar, the Convener of APHC AJK, lauded Sehrai’s lifelong dedication to the Kashmiri cause, highlighting his resilience in the face of adversity. Saghar emphasized Sehrai’s steadfastness, noting his endurance through imprisonment and persecution at the hands of Indian authorities.

Numerous Hurriyat leaders, including Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, and Sheikh Abdul Mateen, among others, echoed Saghar’s sentiments, vowing to ensure that Sehrai’s legacy lives on. They pledged to fulfill Sehrai’s mission of achieving freedom for Kashmiris, emphasizing the indomitable spirit of the Kashmiri people in their pursuit of self-determination.

The APHC-AJK leaders reiterated their call for international intervention, urging the United Nations and human rights organizations to address the plight of Kashmiris under Indian occupation. They highlighted the dire situation of detained Hurriyat leaders and activists, stressing the urgency of their release and the need to safeguard their lives.

India’s actions, they emphasized, cannot quell the Kashmiri people’s determination for freedom. They expressed confidence that the sacrifices of Kashmiris would ultimately lead to the realization of their aspirations and the end of Indian oppression in the region.