APHC-AJK Leader Zahid Safi Asserts India’s Actions Cannot Dampen Kashmiri Resolve

Islamabad: Zahid Safi, the leader of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter, declared that India’s increased military presence and tactics in Jammu and Kashmir will not weaken the Kashmiris’ resolve for self-determination.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Safi criticized India’s strategy of augmenting its troop numbers in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, aiming to extend its control over the region. He compared the situation to a military garrison, akin to Israeli methods, stating that these efforts also include attempts to alter the demographic makeup of Kashmir.

Despite the heavy deployment of Indian forces, Safi noted that the spirit of freedom among the Kashmiris remains unshaken, and he vowed that their movement for liberation would persist until it reaches a just resolution.

Highlighting the broader implications, Safi stressed that lasting peace in South Asia hinges on resolving the Kashmir issue in line with United Nations resolutions and the desires of the Kashmiri people. He urged the international community to engage more actively in addressing this protracted dispute.

Additionally, Safi called on the Kashmiri populace to mark August 5 as Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir, to repudiate the Indian BJP government’s controversial decision to revoke the special status of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.