APHC-AJK Briefs Journalists on Election Situation in Indian-Controlled Kashmir

Islamabad: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter held a briefing for Kashmiri journalists regarding the current conditions in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and the assembly elections organized by the Modi government.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the APHC-AJK chapter convened an informal session at its headquarters in Islamabad. General Secretary Advocate Parvez Ahmed initiated the session with his opening remarks. Senior Hurriyat leader Mohammad Farooq Rahmani then discussed the purpose of the briefing, outlining the deceptive tactics behind the assembly elections as portrayed by Indian corporate media. Rahmani emphasized the international community’s awareness and vigilance concerning the actual conditions in the region, contrary to the misleading narratives propagated by Indian media outlets.

He further elaborated on the role of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference as a representation of Kashmir’s freedom movement, mentioning the incarceration of its top leadership by India for voicing the sentiments of the Kashmiri people. Rahmani stressed the need for unity among Kashmiris to counteract Indian conspiracies aimed at stifling the freedom movement.

Advocate Parvez Ahmed highlighted the ongoing efforts by the APHC-AJK chapter to organize programs in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and other Pakistani cities to raise awareness of Indian oppression. Plans for a campaign in Gilgit-Baltistan were also discussed. Other leaders, including Zahid Safi, Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoob, Ajaz Rehmani, Imtiaz Wani, and Syed Gulshan offered strategies to the media on how to accurately report on the challenges faced by Kashmiris under Indian rule.