Islamabad, Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections in India, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) have intensified their anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan campaigns, aiming to influence voters through nationalist sentiment.
According to Kashmir Media Service, this trend of employing anti-Pakistan propaganda is not new but is expected to escalate under Prime Minister Modi’s administration. The Modi regime is allegedly using PR firms, social media trolls, and influencers to spread misinformation against Pakistan and the Muslim community.
Indian media outlets, such as Republic, Zee, and AAJ TAK, are being criticized for acting as mouthpieces for the Hindu rightwing, particularly in their coverage of Pakistan and Muslims. The dissemination of false information has reportedly become a strategy for the Modi government, using disinformation campaigns to cast a negative image of Pakistan globally and to divert attention from domestic issues.