Anti-India protest demo held in Geneva

Geneva, March 10, 2023 (PPI-OT): Service
Kashmiris and their sympathizers held an anti-India protest demonstration in Geneva on the sidelines of the ongoing 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. Kashmiris from all over Europe and their sympathizers gathered in front of the UN office in Geneva, to draw the attention of international community towards Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government’s attempts to change the demographic composition of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The demonstration was also aimed at highlighting the extrajudicial executions, custodial killings, enforced disappearances and other grave human rights violations being perpetrated by Indian troops in the occupied territory.

The protesters raised high-pitched slogans against India and in favour of Kashmir’s freedom from Indian illegal occupation. They were holding placards and banners with slogans like “India – stop state terrorism in Kashmir” and “India – stop demographic changes in Kashmir”. Some of the protesters in shrouds laid down on the ground posing as the dead bodies of the Kashmiri martyred leaders killed in custody or hanged by the Indian authorities including Syed Ali Gilani, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad Farooq, Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone, Sheikh Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Maqbool Butt and Altaf Ahmed Shah.

Addressing the protesters, the speakers urged the United Nations Human Rights Council and other international human rights bodies and major world powers to hold India accountable for its brutalities on innocent Kashmiris. The speakers include Kashmiri delegates attending the UNHRC session, Altaf Hussain Wani, Ms Shamim Shawl, Sardar Amjad Yusuf Khan, Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, Parvez Ahmed Shah, Dr Waleed Rasool, Hassan Bana and Faheem Ashraf Kayani and other speakers spoke.

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