Ambassador Junaid Addresses Kashmir Issue at Ankara’s Institute of Strategic Thinking

Ankara: In a significant talk held at the Institute of Strategic Thinking (SDE) on October 19, 2024, Ambassador Dr. Yousaf Junaid discussed the critical ongoing conflict in Kashmir, emphasizing its global and regional implications.

According to Press Information Department, Ambassador Junaid’s speech coincided with the upcoming “Kashmir Black Day” on October 27, which marks the anniversary of the day in 1947 when Indian troops first landed in what is now termed as Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), against the Kashmiri people’s will. During his address, he outlined the dire human rights situation in the region and reiterated the necessity for resolving the dispute in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Ambassador Junaid drew parallels between the situations in Palestine and Kashmir, both described as enduring foreign military occupations that deny people their fundamental rights, including self-determination, and result in widespread civilian suffering. He expressed gratitude towards the Turkish government, and particularly President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for their continued support on the Kashmir issue.

Alpar Tan, Vice President of SDE, and Ambassador (R) Numan Hazar also spoke at the event, stressing Turkey’s commitment to a peaceful resolution in Kashmir that aligns with the desires of its people. They criticized the international community’s overall inertia on Kashmir and Palestine, calling for more proactive engagement from Islamic countries to address these long-standing conflicts.

The event concluded with a strong reaffirmation from all participants supporting the resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with UNSC resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri populace.