New Delhi, April 30, 2022 (PPI-OT):A day after Delhi chief of the Bharatiya Janata Party, Adesh Gupta, wrote to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to rename around 40 places, President of Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha has also demanded to rename the national capital as Indraprastha. Swami Chakrapani, National President of Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha and Sant Mahasabha, urged Arvind Kejriwal and Prime Minister Narendra Modi to change the name of Delhi to Indraprastha.
He said his organisation would launch a signature campaign in this regard. “The old name of Delhi was Indraprastha. The city has a modern name Delhi. Even in Mahabharata, it has been mentioned as Indraprastha,” Chakrapani claimed. He claimed, “A king during the Tomar era had installed an iron stick which was loose and people called it ‘Dhili’ (loose). Later on, the place came to be referred to as ‘Dilli’ and then it became Delhi.
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