AJK President Mourns the Passing of Maulana Bashir Ahmad Mustafavi

Islamabad, The President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry, has expressed profound sorrow over the passing of Maulana Bashir Ahmad Mustafavi, a distinguished theologian and religious scholar from Jammu and Kashmir. In a heartfelt tribute, President Chaudhry lauded Mustafavi’s contributions to the Islamic world and prayed for his eternal peace and for comfort to the bereaved family.

According to President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry reminisced about Maulana Bashir Ahmad Mustafavi’s lifelong dedication to Islam and his significant impact on the community. He highlighted Mustafavi’s role in promoting Islamic teachings and values, which left a lasting legacy in the region and beyond. The president’s message conveyed a deep sense of loss and emphasized the spiritual void left by Mustafavi’s departure.

President Chaudhry’s prayers for Mustafavi included a supplication for his exaltation in Jannat al-Firdus, reflecting a hope for divine grace and acknowledgment of his spiritual contributions. The acknowledgment from such a high office underscores the importance of Mustafavi’s work and the respect he commanded across religious and political spectrums.

This expression of grief and recognition serves as a testament to Maulana Bashir Ahmad Mustafavi’s enduring influence on the Islamic faith and his commitment to fostering a deeper understanding of religious principles among his followers. It also reflects the communal respect and admiration for leaders who dedicate their lives to spiritual and religious enlightenment.