AJK PM seeks world community’s role to settle Kashmir dispute 

Muzaffarabad, August 05, 2022 (PPI-OT):Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan has said that India’s 5th August 2019 sinister move was deep rooted conspiracy aimed at depriving the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir from its special status and changing its demography.

The AJK Prime Minister was addressing Kashmir siege day rally, today, that started from the Old Secretariat and culminated peacefully at Alamdar Chowk in Muzaffarabad to mark this black day of August 05, 2019 as ‘Youm-e-Istehsal’ observed by entire Pakistani nation besides Kashmiris living on both sides of the Line of Control and across of the world.

This major protest rally was staged under the leadership of the AJK Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan and former AJK PM Raja Farooq Haider Khan. A large number of people hailing from different walks of life attended to reiterate full solidarity with the people of IIOJK in their struggle for the liberation of their motherland from Indian occupation.

Representatives of different social, political and religious parties and members of the civil society also addressed the protest congregation. The AJK Prime Minister urged that the world community should take notice of the serious violations of human rights being committed by the Indian troops in occupied Kashmir and play its effective role to stop India’s naked aggression against Kashmiris. He said that India has let loose its 900,000 army to oppress the people of occupied Kashmir. He, however, maintained that India’s actions could not dampen the spirits of Kashmiris.

Stressing the need for peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute, Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan said that India must bear in mind the fact that it cannot hold Kashmiris hostage by the use of force. India, he said, was the largest violator of human rights violations in the world. As far as the resolution of the Kashmir dispute is concerned, the AJK PM said that Pakistan was ready to implement the United Nations resolutions to allow the Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination.

Referring to India’s traditional intransigence, he said that India’s stubbornness and fascist mindset was a stumbling block in the way of peace in the region. “We Pakistanis and Kashmiris believe that Kashmir was an indivisible unity,” he said adding all the geographical routes of Kashmir were linked to Pakistan.

“All the financial packages offered by India had been rejected by Kashmiris,” the AJK Prime Minister said, adding that despite oppression and suppression Kashmiris were determined and committed to their cause for which they had offered matchless sacrifices.

“We demand that the United Nations should come forward and hold a referendum in Jammu and Kashmir so that Kashmiris can determine their political future,” he maintained. “Today, we remind the United Nations to play its role in granting Kashmiris their promised right,” he said, adding it was high time that the highest body should not let Kashmiris to lose their faith in this institution they had gazed at so long as a beacon of hope.

On this occasion, AJK Minister Chaudhry Akbar Ibrahim read out a resolution of solidarity with Kashmir, which was unanimously accepted. The rally was also addressed by former AJK PM Raja Farooq Haider Khan, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Khawaja Farooq Ahmed, Minister for Planning and Development Chaudhry Muhammad Rasheed, AJK Chief Secretary and others. Whereas top officials of the government were also present on the occasion.

Speakers on the occasion while terming August 5 as the darkest day in Kashmir’s contemporary history said that the exploitation faced by Kashmiris at the hands of occupation authorities in the past three years has been unprecedented. Earlier, one minute silence was observed to offer special prayers for the success of the Kashmir freedom movement.

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