AJK Marks Defence Day with Rallies and Ceremonies Honoring 1965 War Martyrs

Muzaffarabad: Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) commemorated Pakistan’s Defence Day with multiple events, including rallies, speeches, and ceremonies that underscored the region’s patriotism and commitment to national defense.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the day was highlighted by a significant rally in Muzaffarabad, organized by Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir. The rally, led by Chairman Uzair Ahmed Ghazali, gathered a large crowd, chanting and displaying banners in support of Pakistan and the liberation of occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The rally route stretched from the Central Press Club to Burhan Wani Shaheed Chowk, symbolizing a unified stance against aggression and support for the country’s sovereignty and stability.

The day also featured a flag hoisting at the Manikpiyan refugee camp, with speeches emphasizing the valor and sacrifices of the martyrs of the 1965 war. These tributes paid respect to the Pakistani armed forces’ role in protecting the nation against threats and prayed for the liberation of occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Furthermore, the Department of International Relations at the University of AJK held an inter-university speech competition, illustrating the Pakistan Army’s critical role in regional defense. The competition fostered a strong sense of national pride among students and acknowledged the army’s efforts in safeguarding AJK from external threats.

In Bagh, the Jammu Kashmir Pir Panjal Freedom Movement conducted a ceremony at the Mang Bajri refugee camp, where leaders reaffirmed their resolve to continue the struggle for freedom from Indian occupation and praised the army’s dedication to national security.

The day’s events across AJK not only honored the past sacrifices but also reinforced the ongoing commitment to national defense and the hope for future peace and security in the region.