AI Workshop Highlights Government and Daily Applications in Islamabad

Islamabad, A Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AI) was held at the Ministry of IT and Telecommunication on Wednesday, gathering top officials and experts to discuss the integration of AI technologies in government operations and everyday life.

According to Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication, the event was organized by Microsoft to spotlight the application of AI across various sectors. The workshop was attended by Secretary IT Captain (Retd) Muhammad Mahmood, Additional Secretary Aisha Humera Moriani, Member IT Syed Junaid Imam, Member Telecom Muhammad Jahanzeb Rahim, and heads of attached departments of MoITT, along with other officers.

Country Education Lead at Microsoft Pakistan, Jibran Jamshed, delivered a detailed presentation on the potential uses of AI and the challenges it may pose in the future. The discussions also covered the responsible use of AI, skill development related to AI, and innovative AI solutions that could benefit public and private sectors.

A question and answer session concluded the workshop, allowing attendees to address specific concerns and explore AI’s role further in enhancing governmental and administrative efficiency.