Agricultural Exports in Pakistan Surge Due to Investment Facilitation Efforts

Islamabad: Pakistan’s agricultural sector has reported a robust increase in exports, driven by the proactive initiatives of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC). This year’s fiscal reports reflect a 45% increase in food exports, contrasting sharply with an 18% reduction in imports.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics has highlighted that in July alone, food exports amounted to $475.7 million. Notably, rice and sugar exports surged, with rice increasing by 135% and sugar by a remarkable 590%. Vegetable exports doubled, and fruit exports grew by 13%, surpassing $40 million. Additionally, slight growth was observed in the fish and meat sectors, with the latter generating about $37 million in revenue, marking a nearly 6% increase.

These positive trends demonstrate a growing confidence in Pakistan’s agricultural capabilities and its potential to compete more effectively in international markets.


Pakistan Coordinates Repatriation of Stranded Nationals at Baghdad Airport

Islamabad: Pakistan is actively coordinating with Iraqi authorities to repatriate 654 Pakistani Zaireen stranded at Baghdad Airport, ensuring their well-being and arranging their return to Pakistan.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar has instructed the Ambassador of Pakistan in Baghdad to oversee the situation and facilitate the early repatriation of the stranded individuals. The embassy has provided meals and managed temporary accommodations for the Pakistani nationals during their stay.