Islamabad, July 27, 2023 (PPI-OT): Agreement on Economic Cooperation between the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government of Pakistan
An agreement on Economic Cooperation between the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was signed today in Prague. The Minister of Industry and Trade His Excellency Mr. Jozef Sikela signed the agreement on behalf of the Czechia government, whereas Ambassador Mr. Muhammad Khalid Jamali signed on behalf of the Government of Pakistan.
With the signing of the Agreement, a joint commission has been established which would encourage joint projects between the two countries. The chairperson of the Sikuli commission would be Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and European Union of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and Additional Secretary of the Economic Affairs Division from Pakistan side. The commission may involve representatives from other institutions, business chambers etc. The commission would meet alternatively in Czech Republic and in Pakistan on mutually agreed dates.
The agreement is likely to strengthen and develop cooperation between the two sides and would aim to create favourable condition to further develop cooperation and exchange information in the areas of agriculture, industry, investment, trade and scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries. The agreement shall inter into force from 1st August 2023 for an indefinite period unless either party on a notice could terminate the agreement which would take effect after three months of the date of notice.
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Government of Pakistan
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