Leh, Amid a hunger strike in the stark cold of Leh, prominent Ladakhi activist Sonam Wangchuk has voiced a poignant critique, likening the current governance of Ladakh to colonial rule, emphasizing the region’s lack of local autonomy and representation.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Sonam Wangchuk, recognized for his contributions as an engineer, educator, and innovator, is undertaking a 21-day hunger strike. His protest is aimed at securing special status for Ladakh under the sixth schedule of India’s constitution and advocating for statehood a response to the dissatisfaction among Ladakhis following the region’s 2019 reorganization from Jammu and Kashmir to a Union Territory by the Indian government.
Wangchuk’s decision to fast follows unsuccessful discussions between Ladakhi leaders and the Indian home ministry. On the seventh day of his hunger strike, he articulated the sentiments of disenchantment pervading Ladakh, criticizing New Delhi’s neglect of the region’s aspirations and demands.
He portrayed Ladakh’s situation as reminiscent of a colonial era, where external officers govern without local democratic engagement or electoral representation, depriving the Ladakhis of their right to self-determination and governance.