A three-member delegation comprising of Senators Azam Khan Swati, Anwar Lal Dean and Tahir Bizinjo participated in Global Parliamentary Conference on Migration at Istanbul, Turkiye 

Islamabad, June 20, 2022 (PPI-OT):The Global Parliamentary Conference with the theme “Parliaments and the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees: How to Bring about Stronger International Cooperation and National Implementation?” is organized with the collaboration of the Grand National Assembly of Turkiye (GNAT) and Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

The global parliamentary conference in Turkiye will offer an important opportunity for parliaments and their members to take stock of the state of implementation of the Global Compacts and of old and new challenges that stand in the way of stronger collective, bilateral and national action. The conference aims to collect a series of best parliamentary practices and to identify further concrete steps that parliaments can take to promote more robust international cooperation and national implementation.

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