200 Apple Trees Mysteriously Chopped Down in Shopian, Kashmir

Srinagar: In a perplexing development, around 200 apple trees were discovered to have been mysteriously chopped down in the Shopian district of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, sparking concerns and distress among local farmers and orchard owners.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the trees were cut down overnight by unidentified individuals. This event has left the local agriculture community in turmoil, particularly because there is suspicion that Indian forces’ personnel might be involved. This is not the first instance of such vandalism; similar incidents have previously occurred where Indian troops were reported to have damaged crops and orchards in an effort to undermine the local economy.

The destruction of apple orchards has been a recurring issue in the region. In 2019, multiple incidents were reported where orchards were vandalized across Kashmir. These acts were strongly condemned by the locals, who viewed them as targeted attacks on their primary source of income, particularly poignant amid their ongoing struggle for self-determination.

The recurrence of such incidents, including the latest in Shopian, has intensified the fears among local farmers and orchard owners. They are already facing economic challenges, and the loss of valuable apple trees further threatens their livelihood. Previously, plans by the Indian government to construct a railway track through land used for apple cultivation had already heightened worries about the sustainability of agricultural practices and economic stability in the region.